Configurable dashboards with filters, alerts, longitudinal trend reports and wellbeing impact reports.

<aside> <img src="/icons/user-circle-filled_red.svg" alt="/icons/user-circle-filled_red.svg" width="40px" /> Potential use cases

<aside> <img src="/icons/chat-user_red.svg" alt="/icons/chat-user_red.svg" width="40px" /> Example of Skodel Report in action


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Reporting on wellbeing

We produce transparent wellbeing impact reports, alert you of sensitive concerns and maintain an audit trail of support provided. Here’s why:

  1. Build trust: A transparent wellbeing impact report builds trust internally and externally. External stakeholders are more likely to engage positively with you and internal stakeholders are more likely to give their best efforts for the organisation.
  2. Proactive issue management: It’s better to know of issues and be prepared to respond. A proactive approach with an alert system mitigates risk early.
  3. Legal and compliance safeguarding: With regulations evolving, a digital record of available outlets and support provided demonstrates commitment of the highest standard.
  4. Enhanced decision making: Better decisions around resource allocation, training requirements, policy updates and other strategic initiatives.

Key considerations in wellbeing and mental health software

  1. Liability collecting sensitive data: Skodel ensures sensitive issues are responded to appropriately and support is documented to mitigate liability risks. Works with recognised legal and people and risk teams to support its approach.
  2. Security: ST4S, Coppa and Ferpa certified, and passed individual security assessments from education institutions such the Victorian DoE.
  3. Diversity and multilingual capability: Skodel’s app can be translated into multiple languages to support diverse user groups.
  4. Integration capability: Integrates with Microsoft Teams, SSO capabilities with Google and Microsoft and maintains open API to integrate with platforms as per your needs.
  5. Evidence based: Co-designed alongside Andrew Fuller who is one of Australia’s leading clinical psychologists. He is also a Fellow of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Learning and Educational Development at the University of Melbourne.
  6. Anonymity: Skodel can be run anonymously or identifiably.
  7. Existing internal survey systems: Are you using other internal feedback surveys? It’s worth assessing where you want to focus your internal survey efforts, what you want to achieve with these and if Skodel can fit in or replace existing approaches. We make the case for having an internal feedback system focused on wellbeing in this article here.

Getting started